Welcome to the Independent Arts Foundation
Celebrating 30+ years of supporting the arts
The IAF is run entirely by volunteers and all money raised goes to support emerging artists of all ages and genres in South Australia
- The IAF is a registered charity managed entirely by volunteers. Its role is to support the development of the arts in South Australia by contributing grants to individuals or groups who are in the early stages of their artistic journey and wish to develop their work, locally, interstate and overseas, particularly emerging artists of any age who may be writers, actors, performers and musicians, or projects that benefit emerging artists. The grants are administered by the IAF and a number of other organisations.
- The IAF raises funds through an ongoing program of events including:
- Film nights at a cinema in Adelaide.
- Literary dinners with authors as guest speakers
- Special events with performances or guest speakers
- Group theatre party bookings
- See the Events page for more details. All the events represent excellent value for money and ALL proceeds go to supporting young and emerging artists. Membership fees are an important method of fund raising, so even if you cannot participate in all of these events, you may wish to become a member in order to contribute to the various awards that the IAF supports . Tax-deductible donations
- The IAF is a registered not-for-profit charity with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission which allows us to receive tax deductible donations.
- The IAF welcomes donations from individuals or organisations to contribute to the IAF grants program. Our ABN is 34 502 364 947. You can donate here.
- Sponsorship
- We would also welcome sponsorship from corporate entities that may wish to provide funding from their community support programs to contribute to the IAF's grants program. Sponsors will be acknowledged on the website and in newsletters, and the company name and logo will be included on marketing materials.
- Corporate sponsorship offers the potential for the establishment of a new grant named after the sponsor. If interested, please contact us to discuss the specific areas of the arts or arts community that you wish to support. Support The IAF is proud to support events and organisations associated with young and emerging artists and provide sponsorship for awards. For more information and a list of award recipients, click here.
Webmaster: Steve Charles, Scott Creek, SA